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Custom subscription request

It is possible to customize the subscription request window for web-push notifications.


To do this, go to "Website settings" and then the "Subscription Request" section.



There are four request layouts:


  • Default. This layout is used by default and it is not available for editing.
  • Lightbox. You can change the title and request body to your liking in corresponding windows. You can also change the background color, the color of the text, and buttons.



  • Topline. You can change the title and request body to your liking in corresponding windows. You can also change the background color, the color of the text, and buttons.



  • Safari-like. You can change the title and request body to your liking in corresponding windows. 



After you have made all the necessary changes to the settings, click "Save," and after a few minutes your site visitors will see the new look of the request mail.