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How to create and send an A/B test

To create an A/B test go to “A/B tests -> Create A/B test” in the left menu.


The first step is “A/B test settings”:

  • name of the test
  • address book
  • parameters for comparison — the criteria that will determine the winner
  • the winning email sending options — manually or after a specific time period after the test


Fill in all the fields and move to the second step – “Mailing A”.


The process is the same as for the usual mailing. You need to specify the campaign name, the subject, and the “From” address and choose a template.
(read detailed instructions of how to create an email campaign in Send an email campaign article)

It is desirable to have a ready-made template for an A/B test as it will be used both in A and B mailings with minor changes of the element that needs to be tested.

Third step — “Mailing B”.

If necessary, you can copy the information and content from the first to the second mailing.

Select the information that you want to copy depending on the element you plan to test.


The service allows you to create 5 test mailings. You can create Mailing C, D and so on.


In the example we created two mailings — A and B.

It is worth noting that both of these mailings will be sent to one address book that is automatically divided into segments.

Mailing A – 20% of addresses
Mailing B – 20% of addresses
The final mailing – the final 60% of recipients

The maximum number of test mailings is 5. But remember, your address book will be divided by 20% for each mailing.


  • If you create 5 test mailings and divide mailing list into 5 equal parts (20% for each mailing) -  there won't be any final mailing.
  • You can use a slider and regulate the percentage of email addresses for each mailing manually - this can be done on the last step of A/B test creation.
  • If you have less than 40% email addresses left for the final mailing, then it won't be set up and send.

Check each parameter before sending a test campaign:

Is everything all right? Everything set?

Let’s send a test mailing and wait for the results.

NB! The statistics won’t be available right away (only after a couple of hours) so wait until you get the necessary data before sending your final mailing.

Once the test results are ready you can send the final newsletter and improve email marketing.

Note, that if in the mailings statistics you decide to check another mailing as a winner and send it as a final mailing, then just click "Is the winner" under  the necessary mailing.