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Re-send unread email messages to subscribers

When you send a mailing and view the statistics, sometimes you will notice email messages that were delivered to your clients but stayed unread.
The reasons for such subscribers’ behavior can vary from person to person. Moreover, we know how important it is to inform each client by sending an e-newsletter.
The ‘Send emails to unreads’ function provides you with an opportunity to re-send email messages to recipients who did not open and did not read your previous mailing.
1. First, you should specify a campaign within which you want to re-send unread messages and choose ‘Send emails to unreads’ among the available campaign options.
2. You will be directed to the steps of creating an email campaign.
On the first step you will have data duplicated from your sent campaign with only one change – the recipients who did not read your email message are automatically detected and put into a separate segment within the chosen address book. This is the particular segment your recurrent mailing will be sent to.

If necessary, you can edit the subject of the email message and the sender’s email address.
3. The second step of creating the campaign contains the ready-made email message you have sent before. You can edit the template design or message content, and send an updated e-newsletter to your subscribers.
With the use of the ‘Send emails to unreads’ function you can re-send email messages to passive subscribers. There is no longer a need for manually mailing a list segmentation, creating a new address book and singling out clients who have not read your email messages.