Email Authentication

Your emails are authenticated by default with the digital signatures of SendPulse. This helps to ensure high delivery rates. In this step by step guide, we'll show you how to set up your domain's DNS records.

Generate SPF/DKIM records

Log in to your account and navigate to "Service settings" in the left menu.



Open the tab "Email Authentication."



Choose "Custom sending domain" and click "Activate".



Here you can add your own domain (for example, and click the button "Generate SPF/DKIM records".



The service will generate all the data for DNS records for SPF and DKIM that you should specify at your domain account.

The settings of DNS records at your domain account

Now you need to go to control panel for your website and obtain the value of DNS records for SPF and DKIM. It should be on the login page for your host and each host looks a little different. If the Domains area isn't expanded, expand it and then select The Advanced DNS Zone Editor. Simple DNS will not be enough. It also can be called DNS Management, Record Server Management or Advanced Settings etc.

You will see a similar page with the following empty fields:



You should fill in all the fields: "Name", "TTL", "Type", and "Address". 


Let's just go through the procedure step by step.

Fill in four fields in the section "Add a Record" for DKIM


  • The name is the name. If you don’t have a subdomain then it’s just


  • The TTL

If the TTL does not have a default, enter 14400.

  • The type

You should select TXT.

  • The address

For Address, cut and paste that long string of text you see in the code box that should start with k=rsa. You've received it in SendPulse when entering your domain. For example: k=rsa; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQ...



Save your changes by click "Add a Record" and wait until they come into effect. This process can last up to 72 hours.

Fill in four fields in the section "Add a Record" for SPF


  • The name or is the name.

  • The TTL

If the TTL does not have a default, enter 14400.

  • The type

You should select TXT.

  • The address

For Address, cut and paste that long string of text you see in the code box that should be the address should be v=spf1 +a +mx ~all. You've received it in SendPulse when entering your domain.



Finally, click "Add a Record". Save your changes and wait until they come into effect. This process can last up to 72 hours.

Set up DNS records now!